Liquor Licensing and Food Safety Training and Consultants

Food Safety Training

Our Food Safety Courses

  • Unit 167 – covers the basic principles of safe food practices.  People accredited with Unit 167 are able to maintain effective personal hygiene when working with food, prevent cross-contamination and measure, record and act with the appropriate temperature control measures for high risk food. This is an ideal unit for people working with, or intending to work with food.
  • Unit 168 – covers the food contamination, hazards and control methods used in a food business.  This unit is necessary for anyone working in a supervisory role in the food industry.

Book a Food Safety Course Now

Licence Controller Qualification (LCQ) for Duty Managers

Not everyone is eligible to become a Duty Manager. Are you?

Discover the things you should know before you enrol

Our LCQ Courses

  • Units 4646 & 16705  – for people intending to apply for their Managers Certificate so they can be a licensed Duty Manager in any premises that sells alcohol. 
  • The LCQ is the prescribed qualification which the District Licensing Committee requires from a person who is applying for or renewing their Manager’s Certificate. You must hold have an LCQ to demonstrate that you have recent and relevant training. These rules are set out in the Sale & Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

Book an LCQ Course Now

Liquor Licensing Consultants for your Premises (On & Off Licences – New & Renewals)

We can assist businesses who are applying for new or a renewal of On, Off, Club & Special Licences, as well as Temporary Authorities for the premises.

Contact us for assistance when your are applying for, or renewing your premise license.

Our solutions have positive outcomes!

Fully Approved Teachers for your Peace of Mind

Innovative Hospitality has the approval of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). The New Zealand Qualifications Authority have given us high rankings for educational performance and in self assessment. In both of these key areas the authority have declared their confidence in our teaching methods and materials.

E korero koe i te reo Māori?

Ka pai! Unfortunately we aren’t able to present courses in te reo Māori at this time, Currently the courses and assessment are presented in te reo pākehā.

The Governing Members of Longlas Ltd t/a Innovative Hospitality declare that :
1. they have no actual or potential conflicts of interest arising from their role as governing members of Longlas Ltd
2. they have no interests in other organisations in the education or immigration sector that provide goods or services to tertiary students.